
主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、黑龙江省博士后基金等课题13项;参与国家重点研发计划、国家科技惠民计划、水体污染控制与治理重大专项子课题等国家级课题3项。以第一或通讯作者在Water Res.与Environ. Sci. Technol.等期刊发表SCI检索论文40余篇(中科院一区29篇);H因子38,论文他引共计3800余次,单篇最高他引257余次,1篇论文入选2014年中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文,4篇论文入选ESI高频被引论文(行业前1%),入选2020年度环境领域前2%顶尖学者与中国高被引学者。参编行业标准《城镇给水膜处理技术规程》,规范超滤技术在给水处理工程中的应用。开展大规模超滤净水构筑物构造设计研究,开发多种新型超滤膜池,获得授权发明专利4项,获得黑龙江省科技发明一等奖1项、河北省自然科学奖三等奖1项。担任多项学术兼职,包括:国家自然科学基金函评专家;国际水协中国青年委员会委员;中国勘察设计协会水系统工程技术分会成员;《Chinese chemical letters》、《中国给排水》、《给水排水》期刊青年编委会委员;Water Res. J. Membr. Sci., J. Hazard. Mater., Chem. Eng. J., Desalination,中国给排水等国内外期刊审稿人。
2003 – 2007重庆大学 给水排水工程专业 本科 工学学士
2007–2009哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程专业 研究生 工学硕士
2009–2012哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程专业 研究生 工学博士
2018–至今 广州大学 澳门新葡萄新京8883市政工程系,副教授/教授
2013 – 2017哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程流动站 博士后
2013 – 2018哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程系 讲师/副教授
2014 – 2015杜克大学 土木与环境工程学院 访问学者
5.基于界面作用解析的超滤膜藻源膜污染特性及机理研究,中国博士后科学基金第54批面上资助一等(NO. 2013M540293),2013.07-2015.06(主持);
9.超滤膜表面微环境中污染物形态变化及其对膜污染的影响研究,黑龙江省博士后基金一等资助(LBH-Z13083) ,2014.01-2015.12(主持);
2021年,2020年度中国高被引学者(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers,Elsevier发布);
[1] Xiong Z., Huang, Y.S., Huang, Z.H., Shi. Y.W., Qu F.S.*, Zhang, G.S., Yang J.X. *, Zhao S.F. *, Confining nano-fe3o4 in the superhydrophilic membrane skin layer to minimize internal fouling, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(22): 26044-26056
[2] Yang Z.M., Yu H.R.*, Wei G.M. , Ye L.X., Fan G.D., Fang Q., Rong H.W.,Qu F.S.*, Oxidation-enhanced ferric coagulation for alleviating ultrafiltration membrane fouling by algal organic matter: A comparison of moderate and strong oxidation,Algal Research, 2022, 63, 102652
[3] Z.S. Yan, Z.Y. Lu, X.L. Chen, Y.L. Jiang, Z.Y. Huang, Liu L.S., G.D. Fan*, H.Q. Chang,F.S. Qu*, H. Liang, Membrane distillation treatment of landfill leachate: Characteristics and mechanism of membrane fouling.Sep. Purif. Technol. 2022, 289, 120787
[4] F.S. Qu, A.K. Cao, S. Mahmud, Y. Yang, P.Y. Su, J.X. Yang, Z.J. He, Q.Y. Lai, L.J. Zhu, Z.P. Tu, Q.N. Wang, Z. Xiong*, S.F. Zhao. Hierarchically superhydrophilic poly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane with self-cleaning fabricated by surface mineralization for long-acting separation of oily wastewater.J. Membr. Sci. 2022, 640,119864
[5] Z.S. Yan, Y.L. Jiang, Z.Y. Lu, Z.Q. Wei, G.D. Fan*, H. Liang,F.S. Qu*. Evaluation of applying membrane distillation for landfill leachate treatment. Desalination. 2022, 520, 115358
[6] F.S. Qu, Z.M.Yang, X.L. Li, H.R. Yu*, Z.H. Pan, G.D. Fan, J.G. He, H.W. Rong*,Membrane fouling control by UV/persulfate at low UV doses in tertiary wastewater treatment with ultrafiltration: A comparison with UV/hydroperoxide and role of the free radicals.Separation and Purification Technology. 2021, 257, 117877
[7] FS. Qu, Z.M.Yang, H.R. Yu*, H. Zhou, G.D. Fan, J.G. He, H.W. Rong*,Algae-laden water treatment with ultrafiltration: effects of Fe(II)/permanganate pretreatment on organic removal and hydraulically irreversible fouling.Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2021, 7, 122-133
[8] Z.S. Yan, Z.Y. Lu, X.M. Chen, G.D. Fan*,F.S. Qu*, H.L. Pang, Heng Liang. Integration of seeding- and heating-induced crystallization with membrane distillation for membrane gypsum scaling and wetting control,Desalination. 2021, 511, 115115
[9] H.R. Yu, C.Y. Du,F.S. Qu*, J.G. He, H.W. Rong*, Efficient biostimulants for bacterial quorum quenching to control fouling in MBR.Chemosphere, 2021, 286, 131689
[10] Z.S. Yan, F.S. Qu*, H. Liang, H.R.Yu, H.L. Pang, H.W. Rong, G.D. Fan**, B. Van der Bruggen, Effect of biopolymers and humic substances on gypsum scaling and membrane wetting during membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 617: 118638
[11] F.S. Qu, X.L. Li, J.G. He, Z.H. Pan, Y. Zhao, H.W. Rong, G.B. Li, H.R. Yu. A new backwash strategy for reducing cost of an immersed ultrafiltration system by restricting cake layer breakage.Water Supply, 2020, 20: 1453-1462
[12] F.S. Qu, Z.S. Yan*,H.R. Yu, G.D. Fan, H.L. Pang, H.W. Rong, J.G. He. Effect of residual commercial antiscalants on gypsum scaling and membrane wetting during direct contact membrane distillation.Desalination. 2020, 486: 114493
[13] F.S. Qu, Z.M.Yang, S.S. Gao, H.R. Yu, J.G. He, H.W. Rong, J.Y. Tian*, Impacts of natural organic matter adhesion on irreversible membrane fouling during surface water treatment using ultrafiltration.Membranes. 2020, 10, 238
[14] H.R. Yu,F.S. Qu*, Z.J. Wu, J.G. He, H.W. Rong, H. Liang**, Front-face fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (ff-eem) for direct analysis of flocculated suspension without sample preparation in coagulation-ultrafiltration for wastewater reclamation.Water Research, 2020, 187, 116452
[15] G.D. Fan*, J.J. Zhou, X.M. Zheng, J. Luo, H. Liang,F.S. Qu*. Fast photocatalytic inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa by metalorganic frameworks under visible light.Chemosphere, 2020,239, 124721
[16] F.S. Qu, H. Wang, H.R. Yu*, J.G. He**, Z.H. Pan, J.Y. Tian, H.W. Rong, G.B. Li, J. Ma. Tertiary treatment of secondary effluent using ultrafiltration for wastewater reuse: relating membrane fouling to rejection of effluent organic matter and hydrophobic pharmaceuticals.Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2019, 5, 672-683
[17] H.R. Yu,F.S. Qu*, X.L. Zhang, S.L. Shao, H.W. Rong, H. Liang, L.M. Bai*, J. Ma. Development of correlation spectroscopy (COS) method for analyzing fluorescence excitation emission matrix (EEM): A case study of effluent organic matter (EfOM) ozonation.Chemosphere, 2019, 228: 35-43
[18] Z.S. Yan,H.Y. Yang,F.S. Qu*, H. Zhang, H.W. Rong, H.R. Yu, H. Liang, G.B. Li, B. Van der Bruggen. Application of membrane distillation to anaerobic digestion effluent treatment: Identifying culprits of membrane fouling and scaling.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 688: 880-889
[19] Z.S. Yan, K. Liu, H.R. Yu, H. Liang, B.H. Xie, G.B. Li,F.S. Qu*, B. van der Bruggen. Treatment of anaerobic digestion effluent using membrane distillation: Effects of feed acidification on pollutant removal, nutrient concentration and membrane fouling.Desalination, 2019, 449: 6-15
[20] G.D. Fan*, M.C. Bao, X.M. Zheng, L. Hong, J.J Zhan, Z. Chen,F.S. Qu*. Growth inhibition of harmful cyanobacteria by nanocrystalline Cu-MOF-74: Efficiency and its mechanisms.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 367: 529–538
[21] F.S. Qu, Z.S. Yan, H. Wang, X.B. Wang, H. Liang, H.R. Yu*, J.G. He, G.B. Li. A pilot study of hybrid biological activated carbon (BAC) filter-ultrafiltration process for water supply in rural areas: Release of soluble microbial products from BAC and membrane fouling,Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2018, 4, 315-324
[22] B. Liu, F.S. Qu*, H.R. Yu, J.Y. Tian, W. Chen, H. Liang, G.B. Li, B. Van der Bruggen*,Algae-laden water treatment using UF: a comparison betweenin-situ oxidation with Fe(II)/persulfate and ozone. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 2018, 52: 765-774
[23] J.Y. Tian, C.W. Wu, H.R. Yu, G.B. Li, F.Y. Cui,F.S. Qu*, Applying ultraviolet/persulfate (UV/PDS) pre-oxidation for controlling ultrafiltration membrane fouling caused by natural organic matter (NOM) in surface water.Water Research, 2018, 132: 190-199
[24] Z.S. Yan, H.Y. Yang,F.S. Qu*, H.R. Yu, H. Liang, G.B. Li, B. Van der Bruggen. Reverse osmosis brine treatment using direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD): Effect of membrane characteristics on desalination performances and wetting potential.Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2018, 4, 428-437
[25] H.R. Yu,F.S. Qu*, X.L. Zhang, P. Wang, G.B. Li, H. Liang*, Effect of quorum quenching on biofouling and ammonia removal in membrane bioreactor under stressful conditions.Chemosphere, 2018, 199: 114-121
[26] B. Liu,F.S. Qu*, H. Liang, B. Van der Bruggen,X.X. Cheng, H.R. Yu*, G.R. Xu, G.B. Li. Microcystis aeruginosa-laden surface water treatment using ultrafiltration:Membrane fouling, cell integrity and algogenic organic matter removal. Water Research, 2017, 112: 83-92
[27] B. Liu,F.S. Qu*, H. Liang, Z.D. Gan, H.R. Yu*, N.Q. Ren, B. Van der Bruggen, G.B. Li, Algae-laden water treatment using ultrafiltration: Individual and combined fouling effects of cells, debris, extracellular and intracellular organic matter.Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 528: 178-186
[28] B. Liu,F.S. Qu*, S.D. Guo, H. Liang, H.R. Yu, G.B. Li, H. Liang, B. Van der Bruggen*, A pilot study of the sludge recycle sludge recycling enhanced coagulation-ultrafiltration process for drinking water: sludge recycling ratio and coagulation stirring strategy.Water, 2017, 9(3), 183
[29] B. Liu,F.S. Qu*, W. Chen, H. Liang, T.Y. Wang, X.X. Cheng, H.R. Yu, G.B. Li, B. Van der Bruggen*. Microcystis aeruginosa-laden water treatment using enhanced coagulation by persulfate/Fe(II), ozone and permanganate: comparison of the simultaneous and successive oxidant dosing strategy.Water Research, 2017, 125: 72-80
[30] Z.S. Yan, B. Liu,F.S. Qu*, A. Ding, H. Liang, Y. Zhao, N.Q. Ren, G.B. Li. Control of membrane fouling by extracellular organic matter (EOM) from cyanobacteria by enhanced coagulation with permanganate.Separation and Purification Technology,2017, 172: 51-58
[31] Z.S. Yan, H.Y. Yang,F.S. Qu*, H.R. Yu, H. Liang, G.B. Li, J. Ma. Reverse osmosis brine treatment using direct contact membrane distillation: Effects of feed temperature and velocity.Desalination, 2017,423: 149-156
[32] H.Q. Chang, H. Liang,F.S. Qu*, J. Ma, N.Q. Ren, G.B. Li. Towards a better hydraulic cleaning strategy for ultrafiltration membrane fouling by humic acid: Effect of backwash water composition. Journal of Environmental Science, 2016, 43: 177-186
[33] F.S. Qu, Z.S. Yan, X.J. Ren, Senlin Shao, J.G. He, N.Q. Ren, G.B. Li, H. Liang*. Effects of manganese dioxide on the ultrafiltration membrane fouling by algal extracellular organic matter.Separation and Purification Technology, 2015,153: 29-36
[34] F.S. Qu, X. Du, B. Liu, J.G. He, N.Q. Ren, G.B. Li, H. Liang*. Control of ultrafiltration membrane fouling caused by algal cells with permanganate preoxidation: Significance of in-situ formed manganese dioxide. Chemical Engineering Journal,. 2015, 279: 56-65
[35] B. Liu, H. Liang,F.S. Qu*, H.Q. Chang, S.L Shao, N.Q Ren, G.B Li. Comparison ofMicrocystis cell integrity evaluation methods based on dissolved organic matter release, potassium release and flow cytometer.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 281: 174-182
[36] L.M. Bai, H. Liang, J. Crittenden, F.S. Qu*, A. Ding, J. Ma, X. Du, S.D. Guo, G.B. Li. Surface modification of UF membranes with functionalized MWCNTs to control membrane fouling by NOM fractions. Journal of Membrane Science, 492 (2015) 400–411
[37] F.S. Qu, H. Liang*, J. Zhou, J. Nan, S.L. Shao, J.Q. Zhang, G.B. Li. Ultrafiltration membrane fouling caused by extracellular organic matter (EOM) fromMicrocystis aeruginosa: Effects of membrane pore size and surface hydrophobicity. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 449: 58-66(Highly cited paper)
[38] X. Du,F.S. Qu*, H. Liang, K. Li, H.R. Yu, L.M. Bai, G.B. Li. Removal of antimony (III) in from polluted surface water by using a hybrid coagulation-flocculation-ultrafiltration (CF-UF) process.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 254: 293-301
[39] F.S. Qu, H. Liang*, J.Y. Tian, H.R. Yu, Z.L. Chen, G.B. Li. Membrane fouling caused by blue-green algae: Fouling effects of algal cells and extracellular organic matter (EOM).Desalination, 2012, 293: 30-37
[40] F.S. Qu, H. Liang*, J.G. He, Z.Z. Wang, H.R. Yu, G.B. Li. Characterization of dissolved extracellular organic matters (dEOM) and bound extracellular organic matters (bEOM) of cyanobacteria and their impacts on membrane fouling.Water Research, 2012, 46(9): 2881-2890
[41] F.S. Qu, H. Liang*, Z.Z. Wang, H. Wang, H.R. Yu, G.B. Li. Membrane fouling by extracellular organic matters (EOM) ofMicrocystis aeruginosa in stationary phase: Influence of interfacial characteristics of foulants and fouling mechanisms.Water Research, 2012, 46(5): 1490-1500
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